Our Services


DFSI provides Independent Medical Evaluations for Canada’s top Property and Casualty, Life and Health insurers, lawyers, employers, and Government Ministries.

Our customized workflow solutions, efficient and timely process from referral to reporting, access to a national roster of qualified assessors, and friendly staff that can respond to your unique requests, are only some of the advantages of facilitating assessments through DFSI.

As a reputable IME provider, we have been inspired to continuously improve over the last 25 years, and always committed to delivering a positive customer service experience.

Our available services include:

  • In-person

  • Virtual

  • Multidisciplinary

  • Catastrophic Impairment Determinations

  • File Reviews

Our network is comprised of medical professionals from a broad spectrum of specialities, that includes but is not limited to:


Specializes in the prevention, identification, assessment, and treatment of auditory and balance disorders.


Specializes in diseases and disorders of the heart and circulatory system.


Specializes in the system of therapeutics attributing disease to the irritation of the nervous system. Attempts to restore the normal function of the nervous system by manipulation of the musculoskeletal system.

General Practice

Specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of injuries, diseases and illnesses.


Specializes in the study of human movement, performance and function.  The practice of Kinesiology incorporates the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy and physiology, and considers neuroscience and psychosocial factors.

Massage Therapy

Specializes in therapeutic massage and involves the manipulation of the soft tissues in the body to prevent and alleviate pain, muscle spasm and stress.


Specializes in disorders of the nervous system and the neurological impairment a disorder may have on overall function. A variety of diagnostic tools may be implemented, which may include magnetic resonance imaging testing (MRI), to further comprehend the impairment related to the nervous system.

Occupational Therapy

Specializes in the evaluation of how an individual is able to perform activities of daily living, accessibility, caregiving and personal care in the home environment. Assessments are conducted within the physical, cultural and social environment of the individual.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Specializes in Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) and examines the oral and maxillofacial musculoskeletal, tooth and bone structure to determine causality of a disorder. Also known as an Independent Dental Evaluation.


Specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatments of the eye.


Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of conditions related to eyes and vision. 

Orthopaedic Surgery

Specializes in musculoskeletal injuries and accident related impairments. Surgically-oriented branch of medicine that focuses on the perpetuation and restoration of the musculoskeletal system and the associated structures.


Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the ear, upper respiratory system, and larynx. In addition to surgery/ surgical care of the head and neck.

Plastic Surgery

Specializes in the restoration and correction of form and function. Performed to correct functional impairments that are caused by injuries, burns, diseases and developmental abnormalities.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Also knows as Physiatry, this is a medical specialty that specializes in comprehensive diagnosis, medical management and rehabilitation of neuromusculoskeletal disorders and associated disabilities, that may result from diseases such as stroke, neuromuscular disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiopulmonary disease, arthritis and others.


Specializes in soft tissue as well as musculoskeletal systems. Typical evaluations involve gait observations, muscle strength, coordination testing, flexibility, joint assessment, and nerve functioning as well as soft tissue examination.


Specializes in internal medicine and disorders that impair the locomotor system. Involves the examination of joints, muscles, connective tissues, soft tissues surrounding the joints and bones and autoimmune disorders.

Speech Language Pathology

Specializes in the development and disorders of communication, swallowing and feeding, as well as assessment and intervention for these areas.


Specializes in the study, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Determines the impact the impairment or illness may have upon the psychiatric well being of an individual.


Specializes in mental and behavioural disorders. Utilizes empirical methods to determine causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. Various spheres are examined, including family, education, and employment, as well as past mental health impairments.


Specializes in the relationship between mental and behavioral disorders in relation to the nervous system and dysfunctions of the brain. Examines the neurological, emotional and cognitive functioning of the individual.

Ergonomic Assessment

Provides detailed information regarding an occupation in which job tasks are identified. Recommendations are provided to accommodate the individual at the place of employment.

Functional Abilities Evaluation

Designed to measure an individual’s physical abilities through a variety of objective tests. This can be helpful in determining if the individual can perform at the required level of ability.

Labour Market Survey

Provides insight to present job opportunities currently posted and provides information regarding suitable employment alternatives and labour market trends for the individual.

Occupational Medicine

Specializes in the health needs of both individuals and groups with respect to their working environments and includes the recognition, evaluation, control, management and rehabilitation of occupationally related diseases and injuries, and other conditions affecting ability to work.  

Psychovocational Evaluation

The use of standardized assessment tools to determine an individual’s employment aptitude, psychological measurements and physical tolerances.

Transferable Skills Analysis

Provides insight into employment-related skills. Education, training, personal vocational characteristics are an integral component in the identification of employment options.

Vocational Testing

Focuses on an individual’s abilities and employment potential. Used to establish realistic job options for rehabilitation goal plans. Evaluator will examine and report on aptitudes, interests, transferable skills and employment related behaviours.

WorkSite Assessment

A review of an individual’s essential job tasks for their occupation and the associated physical demands. The physical environment in which the job occurs is also documented, which can include work station dimension and layout, equipment, tools and any other factors which can affect the workers environment.

DFSI is a CARF accredited provider of Independent Medical Evaluation services to all persons, including children and adolescents.  The number of children and adolescents served annually is noted for reference.

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